1. The Euphrates River probably used here as a symbol because rivers do not stop armies any more. The Euphrates River was a barrier to the kings of the east and the north in Bible times. An army crossing a river was at a great disadvantage in those days. The drying up of the river here probably means that all barriers hindering the kings of the east and their armies will be removed. This is in preparation for the Battle of Armageddon.
1. When these barriers are removed the Beast decides to go to war. Satan and the Beast decide to assemble the armies of the earth and so the evil spirits (demons) go out of them into the kings of the earth (the ten puppet kings). In this manner the nations are deceived and the armies of the “Whole world” (inhabited earth) are assembled to fight against God Almighty.
2. These armies are assembled at a place called Armageddon. This is in preparation for the “Battle of Armageddon” – V-16.
3. The Battle of Armageddon will take place at the retum of Christ to the earth.
4. The Battle will be fought between the Beast, the false prophet, satan and the armies of the earth on one side, and Jesus Christ, the Son of God on the other side.
5. The results of the Battle of Armageddon: Jesus Christ will win the battle. He will cast out the Beast and the false prophey alive into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:11-21). He will kill all the armies assembled against Him (Revelation 14:19). He will bind satan and put him in the bottomless pit (Revelation 20:1-3). Then Jesus Christ will set up His government on the earth and will reign for 1,000 years (Rev. 20:4-6).
1. When the seventh vial of God’s wrath is poured out upon the inhabitants of the earth, the wrath of God is spent, and the voice of God says “It is finished.”
2. This plague brings a violent storm of lightning, thunder and hail. There will also be a terrible earthquake- the most violent the world has ever known.
3. This is a picture of the Mighty God of Heaven shaking this old sin-cursed earth in His wrath. Not a pleasant picture – but a true picture.