“And it came to pass when I heard these words that I sat down and wept and mourned certain days,
and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.” Nehemiah 1:4.
In the time of trouble, when his heart was moved, Nehemiah did that which should be natural for every
child of God – he hastened to the place of prayer and waited upon God. Nehemiah had heard of the distitution
of the city of Jerusalem. The trouble of his own people bore upon his heart. Unable to escape the burden,
he prayed.
1. When in trouble, always pray. The Word of God tells us to pray without ceasing. This may not
seem easy, but it is the way to accomplish the job for God. Have you been surrounded by trouble and
dificulty? Did you look to God and pray?
2. When in trouble, expect help. We are most foolish if we think we can bear the burden and win the
victory by ourselves. In the hour af trouble, look to God for definite help and this help will be given.
In the psalm of David, notice how he cried to the Lord for assistance. Notice also the many psalms
when he gave thanks for God’s help in time of trouble. David could say, “The eyes of the Lord are upon
the righteous, and His ears are open unto their cry” (Psalm 34:15).
When in trouble, do right and wait on God. No trouble can be straightened out by wrongdoing. No
difficulty can be solved by wrong methods. Wait upon God and do that which is right in His sight.
When Nehemian was troubled, he went to God in prayer. As a consequence, he recieved permission
to return to Jerusalem and do the work which God has placed on his heart.
The word received in the power of the Holy Spirit produces the new birth, thus giving everlasting life.
This is the preseni possession of all who put their trust in the Lord Jesus. – Dr. H.A Tronside
“Safety first”is a good slogan on a busy street and in the midst of moving machinery; but it is a
cowardly slogan in relation to the preservation of the Christian faith and in obedience to Christ for a worldwide, missionary, soul-winning program. – AW Tozer
I am of the opinion that the cheif danger which confronts us will be religion without the Holy Spirit, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, politics without God, and Heaven without Hell.