Who is the “Rider” upon this White Horse? He is not Christ, as some claim, for Christ, as the LAMB, is holding the “Seven Sealed Book” and breaking its “Seals.”
Christ does not appear as a White Horse Rider until chapter 19: 11-16, when He comes with the armies of Heaven to engage in the Battle of Amageddon. Then He is called “Faithful and True,” and on His head there is many “Diademed Crown,” and He is clothed in a vesture dipped in blood, and His name is called the WORD OF GOD.” and there is no weapon of warfare in his hand, but a sharp sword comes out of His mouth, and the effect upon His enemies will be swift and terrible.
This “Rider” has a “bow,” no arrow is mentioned, and he is not crowned at first, but a crown will be given to him later, the “Victor’s Crown,” as a reward for his victories which are prolonged and bloodless. This is the picture of a brilliant strategical, and irresistible conqueror, whose victories will dazzle the world, and elevate him to a leadership that will place him at the Head of the Ten Federated Kingdoms of the revied Roman Empire. As a subaltern, like Napoleon 1, he will rise from the ranks until a crown will be given him. His triumphs will be due to his skillful diplomacy. Like Antiochus Epiphanes, his prototype he “will come in peaceably, and obtain the Kingdon by flatteries.” Daniel 11:21. As the “Tool of Satan” he will be endowed with wonder working powers, and when he comes, he will find the world ready to receive him for God will
send upon its inhabitants a “strong delusion” that they will believe a LIE, or “THE LIE” for that is what he will be. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11.
In other words, this White Horse Rider is the ANTICHRIST. He is the “PRINCE WHO IS TO COME” of Daniel’s Vision of the “Seventh Weeks,” and who will confirm the Covenant for “ONE WEEK,” The last or “Seventieth Week” with Daniel’s
people the Jews, Daniel 9:27. The Covenant will probably be the
privilege to return to Palestine and rebuild the Temple and re establish their sacrificial form of worship, and national existence, in exchange for the financial assistance of the Jewish bankers of the world in his schemes of establishing world wide
commerce, and the formation of a corporation with its center in the
rebuilt city of Babylon so no one can buy or sell unless they have His “MARK.” (the 666).