Note: all three entrances of the Tabernacle were of the same material. All shows the same Christ, but on a threefold way:
a. THE GATE OF THE COURT, Exodus 27:16, type of Christ by whom we enter into redemption the altar was inside the gate.
b. THE DOOR INTO THE HOLY PLACE, Exodus 36;38, type of Christ by whom we enter into fellowship. The Bread and the Candlestick (light) were inside the door. I John 1:3,7.
c. THE VAIL INTO THE HOLY OF HOLIES, Exodus 36:35-36, type of Christ by whom we enter God’s very presence. Jude 24. This message deals primarily with The Vail.
The Vail typified Christ in the flesh, Hebrews 10:20. It was of the same material as the linen, fine curtains of the Tabernacle.
a. THE CLOTH–THE MAN CHRIST JESUS, HIS LIFE. The linen, fine of texture and white in color, illustrates the perfection of Christ’s harmony I Peter 2:22
b. THE COLORS–THE MAN CHRIST JESUS, HIS POSITION. BLUE, He is God’s Son, I Timothy 3:16 “God in the flesh.” PURPLE, He is the King, Acts 2:30-31 “throne…His flesh.” SCARLET, He is Saviour, I Peter 3:18 “death in the flesh.”
c. THE CHERUBIM–THE MAN CHRIST JESUS, HIS DEITY, The cherubim embroidered on the vail indicated that God dwelt within. So Christ in His flesh bore the evidence of His Father’s presence. John 5:36; 7:46; John 14:10 “the Father in Me; the words…the works.”
a. The Vail was a symbol of God’s presence. No man can see God and live, but men could see the vail portrayiong Him. So Christ flesh both veiled God and revealed Him. Col. 1:15 “the imgege of the invisible God.” John 14:9
b. THe vail shut man out of God’s presence. Lev. 16:2 “come not…within the vail.” Heb 9:8 Christ’s perfect example condemns us all John 15:22.
c. The vail was a way into God’s presence. The priest could enter, not because of personal merits, not because of the beauty of the vail, but WITH BLOOD’, Lev. 16:15. Not our lives, not even Christ’s life–but His blood enables us to enter God’s presence Hebrews 9:8.
The vail that was rent when Christ died was not in the tabernacle, but in the temple that succeeded
a. It was rent supernaturally Matt. 27:51. “from the top” the way to God was not opened by the efforts of redemption originated with God..”from the top”. I Pet 1:20 :from before..the world” Jonah 2:9; Isa. 53:10 “it pleased the Lord to bruise Him.; He…”.
b. It was rent completely <att. 27:51 “To the bottom.” if rent halfwat down, man still would be shut out. Christ is the finish work John 19:30 “It is finished.”